Wednesday 7 January 2015

Dental Bridge And It's Benefits

According to cosmetic dentist when a person loses a tooth or has a tooth removed the result is a gap, and this gap can cause a number of issues with your mouth. For one, the remaining teeth have the availability to drift and shift which can affect one's bite. It can also cause soreness in the jaw, as well as, cause the adjacent teeth to experience excessive wear. Drifting teeth poses a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay by allowing plaque to have more places to get trapped.

In order to avoid these conditions, as well as, the unattractive look that a missing tooth can pose, many people prefer to have a missing tooth replaced by a dental implant by a cosmetic dentist. A dental bridge is an alternative treatment that can be a viable solution to dental implants that's more economic.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A bridge is a false tooth that is custom-made for patients who are missing a tooth or teeth that gives them a natural looking smile. A dental bridge is anchored to the adjacent teeth of the missing tooth. There are different types of dental bridges and bridges are made of different materials. The type of dental bridge that a patient would need would depend on where the missing tooth is located. When an individual decides on a dental bridge, the cosmetic dentist will provide a temporary bridge, while the customized permanent bridge is created.

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are made of various materials, which can include porcelain and metal, as well as, stronger materials such as zirconia and alumina. A cosmetic dentist will discuss which material would be best used in filling the gap from their missing tooth. There are three commonly used dental bridges today for patients and professionals to choose from, which are:

A Fixed Bridge - a fixed bridge fills a gap by connecting an artificial tooth between 2 dental crowns. The crowns are used for support of the bridge and are cemented to the adjacent teeth of the gap so that the artificial tooth looks and feels natural in the gapped space. A fixed bridge is not removable.

A Maryland Bridge - a Maryland bridge is usually used for front teeth since they don't have as much pressure applied to them, unlike the back teeth which do most of the chewing. A resin bonded bridge, the Maryland bridge has metal wings or porcelain wings attached to the artificial tooth that are bonded to the adjacent teeth on either side of the gapped area.

A Cantilever Bridge - a Cantilever bridge is also set into place by being bonded to an adjacent tooth, similar to the fixed bridge. A cantilever bridge however is only bonded to a single tooth. It's mainly used when there aren't teeth on both sides of the gapped area.

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