Sunday 22 February 2015

Veneers, Bonding, and More - How a Cosmetic Dentist Repairs Misshaped Teeth

A cosmetic dentist has several treatment options for a misshaped or damaged tooth, which easily distracts from an otherwise perfect smile. Veneers, bonding, and crowns all work to adequately repair this problem. However, not all three work in every instance. Your dental professional will take several factors into account before making a recommendation to ensure you get the long-lasting results you need.


Veneers slip over a damaged tooth to hide its imperfections and attempt to protect it from further damage. The cosmetic dentist will make a mold of the damaged tooth. This mold then goes to a special laboratory where technicians use porcelain to form the needed veneers. During the second visit, the dental expert roughens the enamel of the damaged tooth, applies cement, and slips the 'cover' over.

A composite resin version is also available, but doesn't offer quite the same benefits as its alternative. Porcelain versions are highly durable and have a long life span that often works out to fifteen to twenty years. This material also happens to be one of the most natural treatments available on the market today.


With bonding, the cosmetic dentist doesn't have to make a mold or send anything away to a laboratory. Instead, the dental professional uses a composite resin to create the form right in the patient's mouth. The surface of the tooth is roughened. From there, the oral care professional 'paints' on the resin in thin coats until it becomes thick enough to work with. This does require drying time between coats, but doesn't normally take more than one appointment.

Once the bonding material has cured, the dental professional will use various tools to shape the composite into a natural looking form. This method has the added benefit of custom tinting, so the repair matches the neighboring teeth.


A crown made from various materials including metals, ceramic, or porcelain has the added advantage of being one of the strongest options. However, a cosmetic dentist typically only uses this treatment on a tooth that has sustained substantial damage since it requires filing down the tooth.

A mold taken of the filed tooth goes to a laboratory where technicians use it to form a permanent crown, also known as a cap. In the meantime, you will need a temporary crown. On a second visit, the dental expert will coat the damaged tooth with cement and place the crown over the filed down tooth, securing it in place.

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1 comment:

  1. Real good information and very simple to understand for a non-medical person like me. I was looking all over for dentist india to find the best dental clinic to fix my teeth. Now with this information, i know exactly what i should look for, how the procedure is and go ahead with my treatment.
