Monday 8 February 2016

Important Dental Care Tips

Dental care tips are vital for those who want to avoid dental problems such as tooth decay, halitosis, tartar, dental plaque, and gum disease. Strong and healthy teeth not only give you a picture perfect smile, but they enable you to consume different types of food that are crucial for good health. Proper dental care is important for your overall well-being. For strong and healthy teeth and gums, practice these simple dental care tips.

Brush Your Teeth 3 Times a Day

Brush your after each meal with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. It is important to brush your teeth right before you go to bed as saliva dries up as you sleep. Saliva is important as it prevents teeth from getting cavity-causing plaque. As you brush, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head. Spend an average of 2 minutes gently brushing your teeth and hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees. Work your way around each tooth and clean all sections of the teeth and gums. Do not brush your teeth aggressively as this may damage them or cause tooth abrasion. Make sure you replace your toothbrush after every three months. If you use an electric toothbrush, replace the head after every two months.

Floss Everyday

Clean in-between your teeth everyday with dental floss. Since plaque usually collects between the teeth, it is important to floss right before you brush in order to get rid of plaque in those areas. It is crucial to floss well as a large number of dental problems are mostly located in areas between the teeth. Using your forefingers and thumbs, hold the floss tightly and use a gentle sliding action to guide it between your teeth. Gently slide the floss up and down at the area where the gum and tooth meet as you bend it against the tooth in a "C" shape. Repeat this procedure for each tooth. For larger gaps, use an interdental brush.

Use Mouthwash

Use a good mouthwash that doesn't contain alcohol. Alcohol is an irritant that may dry out your mouth and decrease the amount of saliva present. Less saliva makes your teeth more vulnerable to bacteria. Mouthwash is important as it can reach areas where a toothbrush can't reach. It helps to remove dental plaque bacteria which cause gum disease and decay. It is advisable to rinse your mouth daily with mouthwash after brushing; in the morning and just before you sleep.

Eat Nutritious and Balanced Meals

Avoid carbohydrates such as chips, candy, and pretzels which can be left on the tooth surface. If you happen to eat sticky foods, brush your teeth immediately afterwards as such foods are known to cause cavities. Eat plenty of natural foods like vegetables, fruits and drink a lot of water as these help to clean your teeth and mouth. Use straws when drinking sugary drinks as they can cause tooth decay. Avoid tobacco as it stains teeth. Tobacco and smoking may cause gum ulcers leading to loss of teeth or other serious consequences.

Clean Your Tongue

Regular tongue cleaning can help you to remove substances that collect on your tongue's surface. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is mostly caused by bacteria that build up on the tongue. Use a tongue scraper once a day to get rid of tongue plaque. A tongue scraper not only removes harmful bacteria, it also gives you fresher breath.

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