Monday 29 August 2016

How to Avoid or Get Rid of Teeth Cavities

Teeth cavities are highly undesirable because they leave permanent marks on your teeth surface. Teeth cavities can appear in various forms. Usually, they will appear as black or silver markings along the tooth fissure. Before we discuss ways of getting rid of teeth cavities, it is important to know how they form. When people don't maintain their dental health, bacteria and germs start to spread along the teeth surface.

These germs eventually initiate a process called demineralization. During this process, the external layers of tissue such as the enamel and dentin start to break apart. If these holes are left untreated for a long period of time, stains start to appear. It is highly important to treat cavities as soon as they form or else it can lead to further dental conditions such as gum disease or teeth loss. If you already have teeth cavities, here are some ways to treat them.

Although it isn't really possible to replace the layer of tissue that was broken apart by the process of demineralization, you can at least protect your teeth from further damage using fluoride treatments. Fluoride is an essential mineral for your teeth and it can be found in most dental products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. The main purpose of fluoride is to keep your teeth enamel strong and healthy. By applying fluoride to your teeth, you repair some of the damage that has already been done by the decay process. Before you use this treatment, it is best to consult with a dentist and find out which product is most suitable for your situation. Fluoride treatment can come in various forms such as whitening gels, liquid solutions, and foams.

Another way to get rid of teeth cavity is to get your dentist to fill it with specialized gel. Usually, a dentist will clean the affected tooth using razor tools. He or she will then patch the hole so the tooth returns to its original shape. The fillings used for this process generally consist of substances such as porcelain and composite resins.

If your decayed tooth cannot be repaired, a dentist might suggest doing a teeth crowning treatment. This method is usually recommended for those who have teeth that are too weak for fillings. The dentist will get rid of the decayed surface and replace it with a "crown". Your teeth will look normal because the crown is essentially hiding the decayed surface.

The best way to treat teeth cavities to avoid them in the first place. Make sure you follow proper dental habits in order to keep your teeth healthy.

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